Membership in international organizations
NOOIS is also active in the International Disability Movement. Since its establishment NOOIS has been an associate member of Europe’s largest and most important umbrella organization – European Disability Forum (EDF) and a member of the Disability People International (DPI).
NOOIS regularly participates in the EDF meetings, ad hoc cooperates and participates in international conferences and meetings organized by the UN, European Commission, Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) and others. NOOIS intensively develops and supports regional cooperation – with umbrella organizations in Slovenia, Croatia and Macedonia and also takes part in various regional gatherings.
The cooperation with the Committee for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is of special importance. In September 2015 in Geneva, the European seat of the UN, NOOIS presented the alternative report about the implementation of the UN Convention at the 14th Autumn Session. The alternative report was submitted by the National Organization of Persons with Disabilities in coalition with the Centre for Independent Life of Persons with Disabilities of Serbia (CIL Serbia).
In April 2016, NOOIS representatives submitted additional comments about Serbia’s answers to the list of questions sent by the Committee to the Government of the Republic of Serbia, after the submission of the initial and alternative reports, and during the session they actively participated in the dialogue with the Committee members. The entire process of monitoring the implementation of the Convention and reporting, both by the state and by the civil society, constitutes an additional mechanism for establishing not only a better legal framework, but also the removal of the largest number of barriers ion practice and deficiencies in the implementation of the regulations.